media and Actived resin

  • Filtration Media: Used for biological filtration by providing a surface for beneficial bacteria. They typically only need to be rinsed periodically.

  • Activated Resin: Used to treat specific issues like removing nitrates, phosphates, or other chemicals. It needs to be replaced or regenerated after use.

Choose based on your aquarium's specific needs to maintain clean and safe water for your fish.

media and Actived resin


  • Nitrate Remover

    1. Nitrate Removal Resins: Specialized resins designed to adsorb nitrates from aquarium water. They are typically placed in a dedicated filter and need to be replaced or regenerated periodically.

    2. Algae Scrubbers: Some filtration systems use special algae that absorb nitrates from the water. These systems often require appropriate lighting to promote algae growth.

    3. Specific Chemical Additives: There are chemical additives that can help reduce nitrates by converting them into gaseous nitrogen or promoting their precipitation for removal from the filtration system.

    4. Aquarium Plants: Introducing live plants can naturally absorb nitrates. Plants such as anubias, vallisnerias, and cryptocorynes are popular choices for their nutrient uptake abilities.

    5. Regular Water Changes: A simple yet effective method to maintain low nitrate levels is to perform regular water changes, removing some nitrate-containing water and replacing it with clean water.

    Before using any product, it's important to regularly monitor nitrate levels in your aquarium and choose the method that best suits your setup and aquatic inhabitants.

  • Phosphate remover
    • Phosphate Remover
    • Phosphate Reduction Products
    • Phosphate Adsorbers
    • Phosphate Control Solutions

    These products are used to lower phosphate levels in aquarium water, which helps prevent algae growth and promote a healthier aquatic environment.

  • Silicate remover
    1. Silicate Removal Resins: These resins are specifically designed to adsorb silicates from aquarium water. They are typically placed in a dedicated filter and need to be replaced or regenerated according to manufacturer recommendations.

    2. Specialized Filtration Media: Some filtration media are formulated to help reduce silicates along with other contaminants. They are often used in multi-stage filtration systems for effective water treatment.

    3. Regular Water Changes: Similar to managing nitrates and phosphates, performing regular water changes can help maintain low silicate levels by removing water containing silicates.

    4. Use of Specific Substrates: Certain aquarium substrates are designed to assist in absorbing silicates, acting as a natural barrier against their excessive accumulation in the water.

    Monitoring silicate levels in your aquarium regularly is crucial to determine the need for specific treatment and to choose the method that best suits your aquatic environment.

  • Polluants remover

    the range of products aimed at combating pollutants in aquariums includes several options:

    1. Mechanical and Biological Filtration: Filters that remove physical debris and host beneficial bacteria for the nitrogen cycle.

    2. Chemical Adsorbents: Such as resins and activated carbons that remove contaminants like heavy metals and organic toxins.

    3. Specific Products: Such as water conditioners that neutralize chlorine and chloramines, and water clarifiers that eliminate cloudiness.

    4. Special Substrates: Like nutrient-rich substrates for plants that promote plant growth and reduce nitrates.

    These products are used together to maintain a healthy and balanced aquarium environment.

Active filters