
"Discover our range of accessories for reptiles and amphibians. Enhance the habitat of your scaly and aquatic friends with our selection of high-quality products, including heating and lighting equipment, terrarium decorations, feeding dishes, and habitat maintenance tools."



  • Boxes for feeding and...

    For Insects:

    1. Plastic Breeding Bins: Transparent with ventilated lids for breeding crickets, grasshoppers, etc.

    2. Egg Crates: Specifically designed for egg laying and larval development.

    3. Transport Containers: Aerated for safe transport of live insects.

    For Reptiles:

    1. Terrariums: Glass or plastic enclosures equipped to house reptiles with heating, substrate, and hides.

    2. Rigid Transport Boxes: Sturdy and well-ventilated for secure transportation.

    3. Incubators: Maintain ideal conditions for reptile egg incubation.

    4. Feeding Bins: Used for feeding reptiles and preventing terrarium contamination.

    5. Quarantine Enclosures: Isolate new arrivals to prevent disease spread.

    Each type of container is tailored to specific needs in terms of size, ventilation, and environmental conditions to ensure the well-being of insects and reptiles.

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