
Plants for terrariums and paludariums, Bromeliads, miniature orchids, rare ferns, Marcgravia, ficus, live moss and sphagnum, vines, and other tropical plants. Cacti and succulents for desert terrariums.

plants for terrarium and paludarium


  • Bromeliad

    Bromeliads are plants primarily native to tropical areas of America, with one species originating from tropical regions of West Africa. Many species are epiphytic, such as Tillandsias, and live hanging on the branches of trees in the rainforest, while others are terrestrial. They are perfect for decorating your planted terrariums.

  • Orchids

    Orchids can be successfully cultivated in terrariums, providing a controlled and often more humid environment that mimics the natural conditions of their habitat. Terrariums also offer an aesthetic way to display orchids, protecting them from temperature and humidity fluctuations. For orchids in terrariums, it's important to choose species that adapt well to these conditions, such as miniatures or epiphytic orchids that thrive in humid, airy environments. It's also essential to provide good drainage and adequate lighting to ensure the healthy growth of the orchid in the terrarium.

  • Moss

    There are several types of moss commonly used in terrariums, each offering unique characteristics in terms of texture, color, and growth. Here are some of the most popular mosses for terrariums:

    Most common ones:

    1. Sphagnum Moss: This moss is known for its ability to retain moisture and is often used as a top layer in terrariums to help maintain an optimal level of humidity for plants.

    2. Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri): This aquatic moss is often used in humid terrariums or paludariums. It can be grown emerged or submerged and provides dense, lush coverage.

    It's important to choose the appropriate moss based on the specific needs of your terrarium, including the humidity level, desired aesthetics, and types of plants you want to grow.

  • Vines

    Vines are often used in terrariums due to their attractive appearance and their ability to climb and spread in limited vertical space.

    Climbing Growth: Vines are climbing plants that produce adventitious roots, allowing them to attach and climb along the walls of the terrarium.

    Decorative Foliage: The leaves of vines are often glossy and colorful, adding a touch of tropical aesthetics to your terrarium.

    Need for Support: As climbing plants, they generally require supports such as moss sticks, trellises, or other plants to cling to and grow.

    Growing Conditions: Vines typically thrive in medium to bright light conditions and prefer high humidity. They can be grown in various types of substrates, but they generally benefit from a well-draining mix containing sphagnum moss.

    Pruning: Make sure to regularly prune your vines to control their growth and prevent them from smothering other plants in the terrarium.

    By incorporating vines into your terrarium, you can create a lush and tropical environment for your plants and animals, as well as add vertical dimension to the layout.

  • Cactus

    Growing cacti and succulents in a dry terrarium can be a fascinating and aesthetically pleasing project. Here are some considerations when creating a dry terrarium for these types of plants:

    1. Drainage: Ensure you have good drainage in your terrarium. Use a substrate specially designed for cacti and succulents, or mix coarse sand or perlite with potting soil to improve drainage.

    2. Lighting: Cacti and succulents need plenty of light to thrive. Place your terrarium in a location where it receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. If that's not possible, you can also use artificial plant-friendly lighting.

    3. Ventilation: Ensure your terrarium is well-ventilated to prevent root rot. Excess moisture can be harmful to cacti and succulents, so allow for good air circulation.

    4. Plant Selection: Select cacti and succulents that thrive in arid conditions and have similar needs in terms of sun exposure and watering regime. Avoid species that require high levels of humidity.

    5. Maintenance: Cacti and succulents are generally low-maintenance plants, but it's important to monitor watering. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings to avoid root rot.

    6. Decoration: Add decorative elements such as rocks, stones, and pieces of driftwood to create a natural desert-like look in your terrarium.

    By following these tips, you can create a beautiful dry terrarium that showcases the beauty and diversity of cacti and succulents while providing a suitable habitat for these plants.

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