
  • Plants

    Plants for terrariums and paludariums, Bromeliads, miniature orchids, rare ferns, Marcgravia, ficus, live moss and sphagnum, vines, and other tropical plants. Cacti and succulents for desert terrariums.


  • FIgurines

    "Discover exclusively in France our wide range of figurines dedicated to plants and animals. Whether realistic or abstract, you can start a wonderful collection!

    Some replicas are made to order with a 45-day lead time as they are hand-painted. This information is specified in the product description.

    We ship figurines and replicas worldwide."


  • Terrario

    The interest in terrarium keeping lies in the ability to create and maintain living environments for a wide variety of reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. It provides enthusiasts with a fascinating experience of observing and studying these animals in a controlled environment. Terrarium keeping also offers an opportunity for education and awareness about the conservation of these species, as well as their behavior and specific habitat needs. Additionally, it allows enthusiasts to exercise their creativity by designing unique setups and learning to maintain a balanced ecosystem.

    green python

  • Aquario

    The hobby of aquarium keeping offers several benefits:

    1. Animal Welfare: By providing a suitable environment for fish, plants, and other aquatic inhabitants, aquarium keeping promotes their well-being and health.

    2. Education: It provides an opportunity to learn about aquatic ecosystems, fish and plant biology, as well as water chemistry.

    3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Observing an aquarium can be calming and relaxing, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.

    4. Interior Decoration: Aquariums add an aesthetic touch to indoor spaces and can serve as decorative elements.

    5. Creative Hobby: Designing and aquascaping an aquarium allows for creative expression, creating unique underwater landscapes and selecting fish and plants.

    6. Community: Aquarium keeping fosters a community of enthusiasts who share knowledge, experiences, and advice, facilitating social interactions.

    In summary, aquarium keeping offers a combination of benefits ranging from animal welfare to aesthetic appreciation, education, and relaxation.


  • POND

    Bassins, often referred to as ponds, are artificial water features commonly used for decorative or aquatic purposes in gardens, parks, or outdoor spaces. Here are some key pieces of information about ponds:

    1. Types of Ponds: There are various types of ponds, including garden ponds, koi ponds, natural ponds, fountains, and ornamental ponds.

    2. Construction: Ponds can be constructed using a variety of materials such as stone, concrete, PVC liner, or even prefabricated materials made of plastic or fiberglass.

    3. Function: Ponds serve multiple purposes, including providing habitat for aquatic fauna, growing aquatic plants, recreation, meditation, or simply as a decorative element in a garden.

    4. Ecosystem: Ponds are miniature ecosystems with their own biological balance. They often host a variety of aquatic plants, fish, amphibians, and invertebrates, contributing to local biodiversity.

    5. Maintenance: Ponds require regular maintenance to keep the water clean and healthy. This may include debris removal, algae control, water treatment, and maintenance of pumps and filters.

    6. Design: The design of a pond can vary depending on the style and size of the garden or outdoor space. Ponds can be adorned with rocks, aquatic plants, waterfalls, bridges, statues, or other decorative elements.

    In summary, ponds are attractive and functional features that add a touch of natural beauty to any outdoor space. Whether small or large, formal or natural, ponds offer a multitude of design and creation possibilities for gardening enthusiasts and aquaculture aficionados alike.

  • water treatment

    "Explore our range of water testing products. Ensure water quality in your terrariums, aquariums, ponds, and running water sources with our accurate and reliable test kits. Measure pH levels, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and other essential parameters to maintain a healthy environment for your aquatic plants and animals."

  • Hydroponie

    Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without traditional soil. Instead, plants are grown in a nutrient-rich water solution, providing all the necessary nutrients for their growth. Here are some key points about hydroponics:

    1. Hydroponic Systems: There are several types of hydroponic systems, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most common systems include Deep Water Culture (DWC), Ebb and Flow, Wick System, and Nutrient Film Technique (NFT).

    2. Advantages of Hydroponics: Hydroponics offers several advantages over traditional soil-based growing. It allows precise control over nutrients and pH, more efficient use of water and nutrients, faster plant growth, and the ability to grow in restricted or indoor spaces.

    3. Types of Crops: A wide variety of plants can be grown hydroponically, including vegetables, herbs, fruits, flowers, and even some ornamental plants. Common crops grown hydroponically include lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and strawberries.

    4. Plant Nutrition: Plants in hydroponics primarily receive their nutrients from the nutrient solution in which they are grown. This solution needs to be balanced with the right levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and other essential elements to support healthy plant growth.

    5. Environmental Control: Successful hydroponic growing requires careful control of several environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, light, and air circulation. Fluctuations in these parameters can impact plant health and growth.

    In summary, hydroponics offers an innovative and efficient method of plant cultivation, suitable for a variety of applications ranging from small-scale home systems to large commercial installations. With proper planning and management, hydroponics can produce abundant, high-quality crops year-round.


  • Life bioactive Terrarium

    Creating a bioactive terrarium requires an ecosystem where various insects and microorganisms play a crucial role in decomposing organic matter and maintaining soil cleanliness. Here are some commonly used insects in bioactive terrariums and tips for setting up one:

    Commonly Used Insects in Bioactive Terrariums

    1. Isopods (Pill Bugs)

      • Function: Isopods are excellent for decomposing dead leaves and other decaying plant matter. They also help aerate the soil, improving plant health.
      • Examples: Armadillidium vulgare, Porcellio scaber, Trichorhina tomentosa.
    2. Springtails (Collembola)

      • Function: Springtails feed on mold, fungi, and decaying organic matter. They help control mold growth in the terrarium.
      • Example: Folsomia candida.
    3. Earthworms

      • Function: Earthworms decompose organic matter and aerate the soil, improving its structure and fertility.
      • Examples: Eisenia fetida (red wiggler), Lumbricus terrestris (common earthworm).
    4. Beneficial Nematodes

      • Function: Nematodes help decompose organic matter and control populations of harmful pests.
      • Examples: Steinernema spp., Heterorhabditis spp.

    Tips for Creating a Bioactive Terrarium

    1. Suitable Substrate

      • Use a mix of potting soil, coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, and leaf litter to create a substrate rich in organic matter. This mix will encourage the proliferation of decomposer insects.
    2. Humidity and Drainage

      • Ensure the terrarium has a good drainage system to avoid stagnant water accumulation. Use a layer of clay balls or gravel at the bottom of the terrarium. Maintain adequate humidity to support the activity of insects and microorganisms.
    3. Hiding Spots and Cover

      • Add natural elements like pieces of wood, bark, and leaf litter to provide hiding spots and additional food sources for the insects.
    4. Live Plants

      • Introduce plants suited to the terrarium's humidity and conditions. Plants help maintain a natural balance by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
    5. Lighting

      • Use appropriate lighting for the plants and inhabitants of the terrarium. LED or fluorescent lighting can provide necessary light without overheating the terrarium.
    6. Pest Control

      • Maintain a balanced ecosystem by introducing beneficial nematodes and avoiding the introduction of harmful pests. Regularly monitor the terrarium for signs of unwanted pests.

    By following these tips, you can create a bioactive terrarium that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also ecologically balanced and beneficial for the plants and animals it houses.

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