Reptile ownership in France is regulated to ensure animal welfare and public safety. Key legal requirements include:

1. Certificat de Capacité

  • Obligation: Mandatory for keeping non-domestic animals in certain numbers or protected/dangerous species.
  • Legal References: Arrêté du 10 août 2004, Article L. 413-2 Code de l'Environnement.
  • Procedure: Includes a detailed application, evidence of training/experience, and evaluation by specialists.
  • Authority: Direction Départementale de la Protection des Populations (DDPP).

2. Autorisation d'Ouverture d'une Pièce d'Élevage (AOE)

  • Obligation: Required for establishments with non-domestic animals.
  • Legal References: Arrêté du 8 octobre 2018, Articles R. 214-32 à R. 214-33 Code Rural et de la Pêche Maritime.
  • Procedure: Application with plans and conditions of detention, followed by inspection.

3. Tenue d'un Registre

  • Obligation: Mandatory for authorized/certified reptile owners.
  • Legal References: Arrêté du 10 août 2004.
  • Content: Acquisition, care, transfer, and reproduction records.

4. CITES and EU Regulations

  • CITES Annexes:
    • Annexe I: Endangered species (e.g., Python regius).
    • Annexe II: Potentially endangered species (e.g., Iguana iguana).
    • Annexe III: Protected in specific countries (e.g., Podocnemis unifilis).
  • EU Regulations: CE 338/97, CE 865/2006.
  • Verification: Check CITES and Species+ websites for specific species.

5. Enregistrement IFAP

  • Obligation: For species under CITES.
  • Legal References: Arrêté du 30 juin 1992.
  • Procedure: Declaration to DDPP, marking via transponder or photos.
  • Marquage: Typically by veterinarian-implanted transponder, alternatives in special cases.
  • Follow-up: Authorities may conduct checks for compliance.


Compliance with these regulations ensures proper care and traceability of reptiles. For detailed guidance and updates, consult the DDPP and relevant legal texts. More information can be found on the European Commission's wildlife trade page.

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